Open the Pin
This is a puzzle using gold pins. They prevent the filling of the transparent container with colored balls. To open free access, it is necessary to pull out the rods, but doing so in the correct sequence. If there are gray balls in the path of the colored balls, mix them to make them all colorful. The further you step through the levels, the more difficult the tasks will be. Solving them will surely please you in Open the Pin. The container must be 100% full, otherwise the level will not be counted.
Western Escape
Western Escape game is a game that aims the cowboys you control to reach the target by making them move on the line you have drawn. You have to pay attention to the lines you draw. It should not touch spikes, laser doors, or be within range of tanks and patrolling men. If there is no other passage way, you can make the cowboys pass in a controlled, slow pace. You can move the cowboy using the arrow keys in the Western Escape game. When he clicks on it, it switches directly without slowing down. It consists of 10 levels in total and the progressive levels are quite challenging. Play Western Escape game to help the cowboy escape.