Gin Rummy
Play the best Gin Rummy ever conceived the American players. It is 100% free. With an amazing artificial intelligence, the Gin Rummy AI auto-adjusts to your playing level you are sure to have the best experience ever.
Playing Gin Rummy will get your brain flying high! It can be relaxing, challenging and far more! Stay sharp!
With a crisp clear interface, easy to read cards, a fabulous usability, auto-save and resume and several other cool features you are sure to fall in love with it right away.
My Little Pony Slide
The world of cute little colorful ponies is waiting for you in the game Puzzle My Little Pony. They have long wanted to open an art gallery, where paintings of the ponies themselves, their lives, hobbies, and activities will be displayed. A local famous artist was given an order and he painted nine huge canvases. When the question of transportation arose, there was no suitable truck, it was decided to cut each picture into identical square fragments. When the cargo was delivered to the place, everyone was confused. What to do with the pieces, how to assemble them. And here you will come to the rescue, with your ability to put puzzles together.